2024 Annual Meeting Registration Payment Page
Please read these instructions first:
No Need to have a Paypal account
There is no need for you to have
a PayPal account.
*If you DO have a PayPal account,
you can use it. *SKIP TO PAGE 3*
When you click on the PayPal button and arrive at the payment page.
Choose "How Many?" from the drop down menu. Select number for whom you are paying:
ONE person = $55
TWO people = $110
Pages 1 & 2
Click on the yellow "Pay Now" below. On this page you can choose how you wish to pay (Using your PayPal Account, or using your own credit or debit card.)
It will take you to a page that looks like the one on the right "Example".
Enter your email.
If you don't have a PayPal account, or you choose not to use your PayPal account, click on the bottom button:
If you experience any challenges or problems paying, please contact Maria Leyva 623-282-1992. marial.aear@gmail.com
Page 1

Page 2

Page 3
Fill out this page. In our example on the right, please look at the red circle.
YOU NEED TO UNCLICK THE BOX called "Save information and create your PayPal account."
Note: The switch should now be to the LEFT and no longer blue.
Then click "Pay now as a guest" at the bottom
Page 3

Now you're ready to pay!
Click on the "Buy Now" (yellow button)
below to pay for your registration(s).
Pay Here
AEA Retired cannot see, nor has access to your card information.
Is PayPal Safer Than Banks and Credit Cards?
Actually, using PayPal may be even safer than using a check or your credit card or bank account to make a purchase. When you send a payment using PayPal, AEA Retired won't receive sensitive financial information like your credit card or bank account number.
With PayPal, your financial data is stored away in a single online "vault", whereas the same can't be said when transmitting credit card or bank data online on the internet. Also, paper checks can easily be compromised by fraudsters - all they need is a bank account or routing number to crack into a buyer's account and cause serious financial damage.